A phenomenal innovations in education in Muslim Mindanao
In the last decade of the 20th Century, the Muslims in Mindanao,
more particularly Maranaos, witnessed the birth of Ibn Siena Integrated School
Foundation (ISISF). The advent of the ISISF may be described as the decade of
phenomenal birth of the applied Integrated Education concept - integrating the
DepEd curriculum with that of the Madrasah curriculum. While the new concept of
integrated education is yet under study for improvement and relevance the ISISF
has gain popular acceptance. The ISISF has become a name most talked about in
Muslim homes and communities here and abroad. Many scholarly literatures have
annotated and made reference to the phenomenal birth of ISISF.
The birth of ISISF, is an independent venture between the
Ranao Council, Inc. ( RC ) and the Markazoshabab Al Muslim Fil Filibin, Inc.,
(Shabab). To many, the ISISF was a breakthrough in the long standing goal for
true integrated education in the Bangsamoro Homeland. So much funds, both from
the government and private funding agencies, has been reportedly spent to come up
with an acceptable formula for the Madaris to be formally integrated to DepEd but to
date no concrete results can be officially claimed.
Cornerstones in the Establishment of the ISISF
The ISISF was a product of a series of joint sessions and
meetings between the representatives of the Ranao Council and the Markazoshabab.
When finally organized in May, 1995 and started classes in the following month,
vision and goals were clear among the founding members who were from the two
organizations. The following are the cornerstones of the establishment of the
ISIS which has been used as benchmarks in this assessment:
1. Da'wah
The main reason for the cooperation between the Shabab and the RC was for Da'wah. Although focused on education the guiding principle for the working team that eventually organized the ISISF was Da'wah.
2. Islamic Education in the Philippines - the Integrated curriculum
The initial plan of the team was to plan for an International
Islamic University in the Philippines - following the example of the IIUs in Malaysia,
Indonesia, Pakistan and South Africa. Such Universities are implementing integrated
higher education curricula based on the concept of the Islamization of Knowledge.
Philippines government has been trying to integrate the
Madaris into the Philippine educational system but there has not been tangible
results. The ISIS phenomenon may be considered the first venture to implement
a curriculum on integrated education.
The integrated curriculum as implemented in the ISIS is
inspired by the global trend on the Islamization of Knowledge. Islam as a religion,
and way of life must be made integral part of all subjects taught in all levels of
education - irrespective of dialect or language used in instruction.
3. Reforms for Quality Educational
The poor quality of education of the Muslims in the
Philippines has been seriously affecting their quality of life and general stature
in the Philippine socio-political life and beaurocracy. The ARMM has been considered
the poorest region in the Philippines - especially in education.
Among the visions for the ISIS is to act as model for
quality education within the Philippine standards. It is likewise intended to
actively play a significant role in the quest for peace and global competitiveness.
4. Business
The ISIS does not receive government subsidy nor from other external funding agencies and organization hence its operation and management strictly follows the rudiments of formal business organization - in a form of foundation. While it has receive occasional donations on infrastructures its annual operating budget comes from its own direct earnings- mostly from the tuition and other fees of pupils and students.